
Hit counters (reset 21/08/06)

Total Hits - 11616747

PC Hits - 9945153

PSP Hits - 1670348

Registered User Hits - 948252

Guest Hits - 10665717

Game hits

PSPTetris hits - 124741
PSP-Man hits - 92274
Heli hits - 73152
Star Wars - Coruscant Attack hits - 70215
Block Commander hits - 65080
Pong hits - 59909
Jelly hits - 55863
5000 hits - 51872
PSP Snake hits - 51427
FallDown hits - 48322
PSP Simon hits - 35708
Roobix hits - 32719
Reaction hits - 32064
Tennis PSP hits - 29831
Boulder Dash hits - 29725
Digi Invaders hits - 28173
Squid Swim hits - 19068
Squid Evader hits - 15765
Burn The Earth hits - 1274
Ice hits - 888
Xmas Time hits - 816
Hamburger Dodge hits - 771
Blaster Rocks hits - 761
Hamburger Pits hits - 619
Raindrops hits - 598
PSP Kart hits - 191
Rapid Tapping hits - 50
Mastermind hits - 49
Ava Portable hits - 0
Serious Stick RPG hits - 0

Today's Hits

Total page hits in the last 24 hours - 3005
Total page hits in the last 12 hours - 0
Total page hits in the last hour - 0
Total page hits in the last 5 minutes - 0

Number of different people to play a game since midnight - 21
Number of games played since midnight - 48 (average 2.3 games played per person)

User Stats

Number of new registered users, per week:
